I have been thinking about the word (label) 'release' a lot lately. When you let go of holding on so tightly and surrender. When you welcome in the tears whether they are joyful or painful, when you let pleasure in even within the grieving, when you speak your truth, when you take up space with your light recognizing the universe will support it, when you let every wild emotion be a part of who you are, when you welcome in shame and guilt, when you GO FOR IT knowing you could fall to your knees or fly high, when you finally love your body, when you feel the creativity move through you, when you let love IN, when you let go of the armor and when you embrace this life with playfulness.
We can create so much bondage within this human journey and we are placed on this divine planet to take the dance. Yes, there will be pain, confusion, heart break, grieving, and portals within this life where your soul is tossed about and yet beauty is always at your finger tips.
My hope for this world is to 'feel' more within your everything. Let your life be your grandest beloved and be held in the sweet surrender.